Agenda item

3/2011/0128 - Whitegates Caravan Park, Lands Bridge, Westgate.

Replacement of Static Caravan with Chalet.


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Caines, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the application which included photographs of the site.


The Principal Planning Officer advised that a letter had been received from Mr K Wood on behalf of Mr and Mrs K Wood which raised a number of points in

objection to the application. The letter had been circulated to all Members in advance of the meeting and the Committee had taken on board the comments made.


In discussing the application a Member asked why planning permission was necessary as the application was to replace an existing caravan already on the site.


A Caines responded that the replacement caravan was larger in scale with a more permanent base. However, he did acknowledge the comments of the Member and stated that Planning Officers had considered it prudent to submit the application to Committee, particularly as the applicant was a Member of DCC. 


The Member expressed her concern that planning permission was deemed necessary solely on the grounds that the applicant was a Member of DCC.


Mr A Bell, the applicant stated that he believed that as the replacement chalet was a more permanent structure an application would be necessary, but notwithstanding this he was satisfied that it had been submitted to Committee for consideration, particularly as objections had been received.


A further Member stated that whilst he acknowledged the objections received from Mr and Mrs Wood, he had spoken to 2 families who would be directly affected by the proposals and they had offered no objections.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.

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