Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Review Updates

Verbal Update by Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that the joint Working Group of the Children and Young People’s and Safer and Stronger Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committees looking at the topic of Residential Children’s Care Homes had met twice and also held a focus group session, the last meeting looking at the demand and risk.  He explained that there had been a lot of positives identified, along with challenges being faced.  It was explained that “placing the child at the centre” was key and that the next meeting on 31 January would look at the relevant regulations and legislation.


Members noted that in relation to the Committee’s chosen topic for review, Road Safety, the Overview and Scrutiny Officer was meeting with the Road Safety Manager, Paul Watson as regards the review and a draft Terms of Reference would be presented to Members in due course.




That the verbal update be noted.