Agenda item

Budget Outturn Quarter 2 2018/19

a)    Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Corporate Director Regeneration and Local Services

b)    Presentation by The Finance Manager, Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered the Joint Report of the Corporate Director of Resources and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services which set out details of the outturn budget position for the service areas within Regeneration and Local Services. The report highlighted and explained any major variances in comparison with the budget. The Finance Manager, Regeneration and Local Services was in attendance to present the report and gave a presentation (for copy of report and presentation, see file of minutes).


Councillor Martin asked if it would be possible if the outturn reports could also show the original budget for both revenue and capital, as opposed to just the latest budget information.


The Finance Manager, Regeneration and Local Services advised that this would be included for Quarter three report.


Councillor Dunn referred to the Joint Stocks landfill site and asked for information relating to the utilisation of the landfill gas and power generation.


The Finance Manager indicated that he was unable to answer the question in relation to the long term use of the site as this was operational but he would take this back to the service for a response.


Councillor Howell sought clarification if the income figures in the Highways Services Trading at appendix 2 of the report were due to internal trading or as a result of selling the service to other authorities.


The Finance Manager responded that the figures were based on internal charges and the underspend was offset by the surplus.


Resolved: That the Quarter 2 forecast outturn position on Revenue and Capital for 2018/19 be noted.

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