Agenda item

Strategic Risk Management Progress Report for the Quarter Ended 31 December 2018


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director, Resources which highlighted the strategic risks facing the Council and that gave an insight into the work carried out by the Corporate Risk Management Group between  October and December 2018 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Risk, Insurance and Governance Manager informed the Committee that there was one new risk in relation to Equal Value Claim, there were 26 strategic risks, one risk had been removed on Major Disruption to Service Delivery.  He added that there were four key risks and one emerging risk in relation to No Deal Brexit.


Councillor Shuttleworth referred to the 26 strategic risks, the same number as at 30 September 2018, and asked if this was expected to stay the same.  The Risk, Insurance and Governance Manager explained that one risk had been added and one had been removed from the register and that a lot of work was done to reduce the number of risks.  However, he explained that there were a number of long term corporate risks that would potentially at some point come to conclusion but which needed to continue to be managed at this time.


Councillor Bell asked for information on the progress being made with the Task and Finish Group and what their thoughts were on potential risks.  The Corporate Director of Resources assured the Committee that there was a lot of work ongoing and that any discussions around the work were potentially sensitive at this time.


Councillor C Carr asked about the substantive risk to food waste collections should additional work need to be carried out as had been announced by Government.  The Corporate Director of Resources explained that the announcement had been made after the report had been circulated and informed Members that further discussions would be held as there could be significant cost implications.  Councillor Carr asked that the Planning and Highways teams were involved in discussions as this would potentially affect their workloads.



That the report provides assurance that strategic risks were being effectively managed within the risk management framework across the Council.

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