Agenda item

Bishop Auckland - Parking & Waiting Restrictions Order 2019 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services which proposed a number of changes to a Traffic Regulation Order covering Bishop Auckland (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Committee were informed that five separate areas had been reviewed as part of the traffic regulation order, with the proposed changes to three areas, attracting objections. The areas which had attracted objections were as follows:


Rear of the Newgate Centre, Tenters Street

A request had been received to introduce a loading only area in a bid to address obstructive parking and improve access for HGV’s to the rear of the Newgate Centre. The proposal was supported from the local County Councillors, Bishop Auckland Town Council and Durham Constabulary. There had been six objections to the proposal.


The Committee were informed that the Newgate area was a retail area. Five objections related to the loss of free parking around the area. The proposed restrictions would enable current and potential new businesses to have access to the loading area of the Newgate Centre, which was currently unrestricted. Vehicles were often parked at the location and blocked access to the loading area. Some vehicles were believed to be owned by staff commuting to work who leave their vehicles in this location for the full duration of the day. Also included within the proposals were limited waiting parking bays to allow customers to park and use the local businesses, a disabled bay and taxi only parking bays. It was felt that vehicles blocking access to the loading area did have a detrimental effect on the businesses within the Newgate Centre and Newgate Street and could deter potential new businesses from taking residence within the area. Alternative parking was available in the surrounding area as well as the Newgate Centre car park and car parks on North Bondgate, Tenters Street and Kingsway.


Councillor O Milburn queried the use of the multi-storey car park at Newgate. The Strategic Traffic Manager confirmed that the car park used to be a Durham County Council car park and was now leased to Newgate Centre. The top level was very rarely used and the cost of parking was reduced to encourage use, however, it was a very large car park and available to use.


Councillor Turnbull queried if the management of the Newgate Centre could ask staff/business owners to utilise the multi-storey car park. The Strategic Traffic Manager confirmed that this arrangement could be offered.


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the Council were currently in discussion to introduce a further car park on Kingsway.


Durham Road

A request was received from Durham Constabulary to introduce formal restrictions on Durham Road to address obstructive parking, improve visibility and safety issues. There was support from Durham Constabulary and the local County Councillors. There had been two objections to the proposals.


The Committee were informed that the proposal was to introduce a double-yellow line restriction on the north and south sides of the road. Vehicles currently parked on the unrestricted sections of Durham Road forcing overtaking vehicles to cross the solid white lines. The no waiting at any time restrictions would reduce the need to undertake this manoeuvre. The restrictions were required on both sides of the carriageway to ensure vehicles were not forced across the solid white lines. 21 respondents were in favour or the proposals and 2 were against the proposal, feeling that it was an inconvenience which provided no benefit. The other objector felt that the problem relating to speeding vehicles was near the dip (Durham Chare area).


Councillor Gardner explained to the Committee that he travelled the route regulary and fully supported the proposal as the present situation needed addressing.


Referring to the objections relating to Durham Road, Councillor Dunn explained that properties on Durham Road were large, detached properties with large drives and adequate access. Councillor Dunn fully supported the request by the Police.


Gib Chare/Castle Chare

A request was received from a local County Councillor in a bid to address obstructive parking and improve pedestrian access to Castle Chare located near to a historical fountain and pedestrian routes. The proposal was supported by the local County Councillor and Durham Constabulary. There was one objection to the proposals.


The Clerk informed the Committee that Councillor Zair was unable to be present at the meeting but wished for the following statement to be read out:


In relation to Gib Chair/Durham Chair, I submitted a petition from residents of the Dell and the Willows regarding obstructions to their drives. I receive complaints about cars and vans parking within The Dell and the Willows. Once the new restrictions come into place and things do get worse, I hope that residents parking can be implemented.


For anyone who knows the area between Castle Chair and the Historic Fountain there were a series of steep steps surrounded by trees. Whilst there have been pruning works carried out I feel that a handrail needs to be fitted for people’s safety, particularly for use during wet weather and with Autumn when the steps are extremely slippery. Councillor Zair also wished for the installation of some lighting to make this area safer because it was extremely dark.


Moved by Councillor J Turnbull, Seconded by Councillor S Dunn and



The Committee endorsed the proposal as presented and recommended to the Corporate Director to proceed with the implementation of the Bishop Auckland: Waiting and Parking Restrictions Order.

Supporting documents: