Agenda item

EU Funding and Other Funding for Carbon Projects


The Committee considered the joint report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships and Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services that provided members with information on the latest developments relating to European funding and other funding for low carbon projects (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised that Business Energy Efficiency Projects (BEEP) was now in its third year and had supported 165 small to medium enterprises (SMEs) to date. BEEP was really successful and had achieved national publicity within the UK Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, (BEIS) who had requested Durham’s BEEP to advise on and trial a national approach to SME energy efficiency and they had been awarded €163,000. They currently had 4 million worth of funding in place with an additional 4 or 5 million available for bids.


Members were advised that the Solid Wall Insulation Innovation (SWli) had been targeting the fuel poor who lived in housing had solid walls to provide insulation to the building with cladding on the outside to give a local landscape and heritage feel. Work had been undertaking in ex mining villages at South Moor; Ferryhill; Cockfield and Ramshaw.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised members of the Erasmus programme which was delivered in partnership with Durham University Anthropology Department looking at how business can work better with universities. This is a people centred area of work focussed on electric vehicles to understand people’s needs.


Members heard how the authority had been awarded a grant from Innovate UK to support an electric vehicle project that would look at issues with charging vehicles and to help us as a local authority to understand about electric vehicle infrastructure and what we are doing as a council.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised that outline approval had been given to BEEP to continue for another three years but more information was expected in May 2019.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised there were a number of projects under development.


The Chairman thanked the Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader for her report and indicated that a lot of good things were happening, and Durham County Council were recognised for leading national projects. He commented that Councillor Clare had recently attended a conference on environmental projects.


Councillor Patterson referred to wall insulation project and asked who sets the criteria and if the council had any control over it.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader responded that this was not her area, but she would pass her question to a colleague and respond to her direct.


Councillor Clare advised the committee there was a range of different solid wall insulation schemes available.


Councillor Martin referred to the new headquarters and asked if it would be green and sustainable in the future.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader responded that her team had not initially been involved at the design stage but were now involved and were keen for the building to be as energy efficient as possible.


The Chairman commented that this was work in progress and there were lots going on.


Councillor Martin commented that the Council had recently declared an environmental emergency.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised that this would be addressed at the Special meeting of the committee on 30 April.


Mr Bolton referred to the SWIi project and suggested if they had any before and after photos could they be shared with the committee and commented that there had been concerns in the past by local residents of water ingress behind the insulation.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader responded that she would refer this to her colleague who specialised in this area. She also advised Members that there was a web site that showed before and after photographs of the SWli project.


The Chairman asked The Overview and Scrutiny Officer to circulate the insulation before and after photographs to members of the committee.


Councillor Howell indicated that the new Durham County Council Headquarters was a flag ship building that was high profile and the expertise of officers needed to be utilised or if not available these services purchased.


Councillor Clare indicated that the new headquarters will be constructed to modern building standards making it more energy efficient and with a low carbon footprint.


Councillor Dunn referred to the motion to declare an environmental emergency and climate impact should be part of the design of the new headquarters.


Councillor Jopling indicated that during the demolition of County Hall as much of the building as possible should be recycled.


The Sustainability and Climate Change Team Leader advised that a working group had been set up to look at recycling materials from County Hall.


Resolved: That the report be noted

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