Agenda item

DM/19/00178/FPA - Land to the North of St Godric's Close, Newton Hall

17 bungalows with associated infrastructure.


The Senior Planning Officer, Barry Gavillet, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The application was for 17 bungalows with associated infrastructure and was recommended for approval subject to conditions and a Section 106 (s106) Legal Agreement.


The Senior Planning Officer, BG referred Members to slides showing the Council owned site, current utilised for grazing and recreation, albeit not regularly.  He highlighted the access to the site would be shared with the nearby day centre and school there was a construction management plan that would ensure there was not conflict with those facilities.


Members noted the proposed site layout plan and elevations, with a central open space within the development and the Senior Planning Officer, BG highlighted that there were no issues in terms of amenity impact within the site or to others nearby.  In terms of responses from consultees, the Senior Planning Officer, BG noted no objections, with services noting requirements for a s106 Legal Agreement in terms of facilities and services within the Framwellgate and Newton Hall Electoral Division: healthcare; provision or enhancement of play facilities; education provision; and provision of 25 percent affordable housing on site for affordable rent.  The Senior Planning Officer, BG noted that in discussions as regards the affordable provision, it was noted that 100 percent would be affordable and following considerations of viability some reduction in the financial contributions for the other elements had been agreed


The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer, BG and asked Local Member, Councillor A Hopgood to speak in relation to the application.


Councillor A Hopgood thanked the Chair and Committee and noted it was with pleasure she was able to speak at Planning Committee in support of an application.  She noted that the scheme was an excellent example of where developers work with Local Members and deliver what is needed in an area.  She explained that Local Members and residents had wished for bungalows and that was what the scheme would deliver.  Councillor A Hopgood highlighted that there had been no objections from the public and that from public consultation and a number of queries to date that people would be very interested in living in the properties once completed.



Councillor A Hopgood noted she was very supportive of the scheme, however, she asked that if Members were minded to approve the application that they would propose that the condition in relation to start times for work be amended to 8.00am.  She concluded by noting the scheme was for all bungalows, all affordable, with the properties adapted or ready to be adapted for needs as required and therefore she fully supported the application.


The Chair thanked Councillor A Hopgood and asked Local Member M Wilkes to speak in relation to the application.


Councillor M Wilkes thanked the Chair and Committee for the opportunity to speak in support of the application.  He explained that the scheme represented a marvellous opportunity to provide much needed provision of bungalows, adding that Believe Housing, formerly the County Durham Housing Group, should be applauded for working with Local Members and residents to bring forward such a scheme.  He added a local letting policy would be beneficial and help local people to be able to stay in their area and highlighted the adaptability and versatility of the designs would benefit occupants going forward.  He concluded by asking the Committee to approve the scheme.


The Chair thanked Councillor M Wilkes and asked Mr P Glover, agent for the applicant to speak in support of the application.


Mr P Glover noted that the Officer and Local Members had set out the case for the application and that he would only briefly add that the scheme represented an excellent opportunity to develop an unused area of land, providing a scheme of bungalows that were all wheelchair adaptable, future proofing the scheme for occupiers.  He added that as all single storey buildings there was minimal impact upon amenity and that 17 properties on the site represented a relatively low-density development.  He asked that the Committee approve the application as per the Officer’s report, as supported by the Local Members.


The Chair thanked Mr P Glover and asked the Senior Planning Officer, BG if he had any comments in terms of the points and issues raised by the speakers.


The Senior Planning Officer, BG noted that he felt the amended start time of 8.00am would be acceptable and asked if the applicant could respond in relation to the point raised regarding a local lettings policy.  Mr T Winter, Development Manager, Believe Housing noted he would be happy regards such a policy, akin to policy in place for a development at Pity Me.


The Chair thanked the speakers and asked Members of the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor J Robinson noted the comments from Local Members, the proposed amended start time of 8.00am for works and local lettings policy and added he felt the scheme was a “win, win” for the area and proposed that the application be approved.


Councillor M Davinson thanked the Senior Planning Officer, BG for the inclusion of a construction management plan and seconded the proposal for approval, subject to the 8.00am works start time.




That the application be APPROVED subject to completion of a s106 legal agreement, the conditions as set out within the report, noting an amendment in relation to an 8.00am start time for works.


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