Agenda item

PL/5/2010/0446 - Easington Lea Farm West, Easington Colliery, SR8 3UP

Change of Use of Pasture Land (3.95 Ha) to Plant Machine Training Centre, Works to Include use of Existing Buildings, Erection of Scaffolding Formation of Screening Mounds and Landscaping Works


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area Office) which recommended approval.  The Principal Planning Officer explained that Members had visited the site that day and gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report.


The Principal Planning Officer read out a letter received from Mr Golden an objector whose concerns related to


  • the status of the land if the business failed.  He had queried if the Council would receive applications for housing projects due to the altered status of the land.
  • The access road and problems for pedestrians
  • Why the application was made in that particular location instead of an industrial site


The Principal Planning Officer explained that the questions were dealt with in the report.  The development was felt acceptable in the countryside and the status of the site would not necessarily be changed.  If the operation ceased to exist then a condition of the permission was for the land to be re-instated and the site would not be considered appropriate for housing development.  Highways had accepted the proposals based on the amount of traffic that would be generated.  The applicant was entitled to apply for permission on the site, and the Council had to consider the proposal on its merits.


Mr Robinson, the applicant explained that he had investigated other locations but all sites on industrial estates were on built up land and had no drainage for the type of equipment that he would use.  There were Great Crested Newts on all industrial land in Peterlee.  He had operated on the site for 3 years, primarily looking at employed people.  Sunderland Council had given him £25k which had been used for 25 spaces to train people within the area.  10 had since found employment and returned to gain further licences.


Mr Robinson explained that he would like to amend the times of operation as a lot of the work revolved around awarding bodies, for eg CITB.  They put start and finish times on tests and he would like to operate from 8am to 4pm.  Training normally finished by 3.30pm.


A lot of work was classroom based and he would also like Saturday working to be considered.  Some companies needed training on a Saturday so their work was not disrupted.


The Principal Planning Officer explained that Officers had not had time to consider the amended hours or discuss the implications with Environmental Health.  If Members were minded to approve the application delegated powers could be given to Officers to consider and discuss further the amendments to hours of operation.


Councillor Bleasdale commented that she was impressed with what she saw but did not feel that starting before 8am would be good for neighbouring properties.


Councillor Moran explained that he accepted the application and suggested Officers be delegated to discuss the operating hours.


The Chair suggested that once the operating hours had been investigated by Officers, a further report should be considered by the Committee.




(i)                 the application be approved subject to the conditions detailed in the report.

(ii)               The change of operating hours be investigated by Officers and a further report be considered at a future meeting.

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