Agenda item

DM/18/02947/OUT - Land Adjoining Snook Acres, Front Street, Witton Gilbert, DH7 6SY

Outline application for 26 Dwellings with some matters excluding Access and Layout reserved for future consideration.


The Senior Planning Officer, Paul Hopper, gave a detailed presentation on the report relating to the abovementioned planning application, a copy of which had been circulated (for copy see file of minutes).  Members noted that the written report was supplemented by a visual presentation which included photographs of the site.  The Senior Planning Officer advised that Members of the Committee had visited the site and were familiar with the location and setting.  The application was an outline application for 25 dwellings with some matters excluding access and layout reserved for future consideration and was recommended for approval.


The Senior Planning Officer asked Members to note the application was for 25 dwellings, as per the report and not 26 as stated on the agend afront sheet.  He referred Members to the aerial photographs and views of the site, noting proposed demolitions to two buildings, and the location of the Grade II listed building next to the site which was in the ownership of the applicant and would remain in-situ.  Members were asked to note the public right of way which lead from Front Street and along the northern edge of the application site.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that the application was in outline, with structural planting along the west boundary, this area being within the County Council’s ownership.  He added that the area to the north of the site was allocated as a sustainable drainage system.

The Senior Planning Officer noted that there had been no objections from statutory or internal consultees subject to a Section 106 legal agreement in relation to affordable housing, open space and biodiversity and conditions as set out within the report.  He noted that the City of Durham Trust had queried the wisdom of development beyond the established extent of Witton Gilbert and the structural planting alongside the A691.  It was explained there had been: one letter of objection, citing highways safety issues; one letter of support, noting the boost to the housing supply; and one letter querying land ownership, parking and noting significant concern in terms of the demolitions and the Listed Building.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that the application site was in a sustainable location near to shops, facilities and transport links.  He added that Witton Gilbert Parish Council was developing a Neighbourhood Plan and the area of land was identified as an area for housing, albeit at a lower density.  It was noted that the Plan was not sufficiently advanced for weight to be attached at this point.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that Heritage and Design Officers had not felt the demolition of the two buildings was a negative impact, and the Tree Officer had not objected to the loss of some small trees, not impacting upon structural planting.  He added the Members would have noticed the changes in level while out on site, and an additional condition was proposed to control the final levels across the site.  The Committee were asked to note that the Highways Section had no objections to the proposed access or parking arrangements.  The Senior Planning Officer noted the report had a Statement of Proactive Engagement set out, however, this was the standard wording for a refusal recommendation, he asked Members to note it should have read as per the standard paragraph for an approval recommendation. An additional condition requiring site level details to be submitted and agreed would also be required.


The Chair thanked the Senior Planning Officer and noted as there were no registered speakers she would ask the Committee for their comments and questions.


Councillor J Shuttleworth moved that the application be approved as per the Officer’s recommendation.


Councillor M Davinson asked as regards any scope to include a condition in relation to tidying up the nearby Listed Building, which was in a poor condition.  He also asked as regards the Construction Management Plan noting “no noisy working on a Sunday or Bank Holiday” and asked what constituted “noisy”. 


The Solicitor – Planning and Development, Neil Carter advised that such a condition would not be appropriate as the Council have separate powers to deal with derelict listed buildings, he would defer to the Senior Planning Officer on the issue of the noise condition.


The Senior Planning Officer noted that in terms of the Listed Building, there was an ongoing separate application regarding conversion to residential dwelling and therefore this building and condition were being addressed.  He added that the condition in terms of “noisy working” was a standard condition from Environmental Health and he could seek clarification if Members wished.


Councillor D Freeman noted Witton Gilbert Parish Council were developing a Neighbourhood Plan and there had been concerns as regards density, he asked as regards the density of the proposed development.  The Senior Planning Officer noted that the development would represent a density of 19.3 dwellings per hectare.


Councillor A Laing seconded Councillor J Shuttleworth’s proposal for approval of the application.




That the application be APPROVED subject to completion of a s106 legal agreement, the conditions as set out within the report and an additional condition as regards site levels as noted by the Officer.


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