Agenda item

Review of Peterlee Urgent Treatment Centre


The Committee received a report and presentation from the Director of Commissioning, North Durham and Durham Dales, Easington and Sedgefield Clinical Commissioning Groups that provided an update on the Review of Peterlee Urgent Treatment Centre (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Head of Commissioning appraised members about the proposed public engagement process over a four week period and would come back with the full details at the September meeting.


Councillor Grant was disappointed that there had been no engagement in the Wheatley Hill or Thornley areas and asked that the CCG look wider than the Peterlee area.  She asked that further details be provided and that examples to show how the changes would work would be helpful.


The Chair also pointed out that this should be extended to areas of Sedgefield, Fishburn and the Trimdons.


The Head of Commissioning informed the committee that this was not a consultation exercise and that she would come back with the details in September. AAP meetings were also being attended in local areas.


Councillor Quinn was supportive of the proposed changes as had witnessed a home visit in action which had seen a positive outcome. 


Councillor Crute said that members would be informed about the detail and findings in September and that this process is what had been requested previously to ensure that the voice of the public was heard.



That the report be noted.

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