Agenda item

Independent Remuneration Panel - Appointments to Panel - Report of Corporate Director of Resources


The Council considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources regarding appointments to the Independent Remuneration Panel (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Director of Resources informed the Council that in September 2014, the council agreed arrangements to refresh the independent remuneration panel, and a new panel of seven was established for a term expiring on 1 March 2020. The Panel had operated well with its seven members, however, there were now three vacancies, and the two longest serving panel members had suggested a refresh of the panel. Although the panel could operate with less than seven members, it was proposed to refresh the panel arrangements now in order to fill the three vacancies prior to the term of office which expired in March 2020.


Moved by Councillor Henig, Seconded by Councillor Napier and



a)   That a new panel of up to seven members be established, with five-year terms of office;


b)   That delegated authority be given to the Corporate Director of Resources and Democratic Services Officer, to make appointments to establish a panel of seven members, offering appointments to the two existing members appointed in 2015, if they are willing to continue and then inform group leaders of the outcome;


c)    undertake a recruitment exercise to seek new panel members through advertisements within the local media and make arrangements to fill any vacancies that may arise within the term of office of the panel; and


d)   That the Council record its thanks to the members of the current panel for their role in reviewing the Members’ Allowance Scheme since 2014.

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