Agenda item

Overview and Scrutiny Review Updates

   Verbal Update by Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that the initial meeting of the Road Safety Strategy Working Group had taken place on 1 May 2019, with further meetings to be scheduled in due course.  He noted that the next meeting would look at statistics and there would also be opportunities for field study activities.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that Co-opted Member, Mr D Balls had taken part in some field study activities and would give a brief update to the Committee.


Mr D Balls thanked the Overview and Scrutiny Officer for arranging the visits and noted he had attended three different locations: a primary school; a secondary school; and the Learning Curve at Spennymoor.


He explained that while visiting Framwellgate Primary School he was able to witness the modern equivalent of the old “cycling proficiency”, with children in groups of six learning as regards correct safety equipment, such as helmets, and in relation to carrying out checks on their bicycles before use.  He noted it was a greater number of checks than the average driver would carry out before using their car.  Mr D Balls noted the children then went out and, while the roads were busy, the young people performed very well.


Mr D Balls noted that the second event was a Safety Carousel at Seaham, and he had been amazed at the quality of the presentations and noted that all the activities had been very well received and engaging, especially those from the Fire Service.  


Mr D Balls noted the third visit was to Learning Curve at Spennymoor with a number of apprentices aged 18-20 years old.  He explained that the presentations on road safety were at the level for those young people, a little more graphic, designed to impact.  He added that there was an interactive presentation utilising 3D goggles, which put you in a car with four young people.  He noted the simulation was a car travelling too fast, with the driver showing off and that the vehicle crashes with a passenger being thrown through the windscreen.  Mr D Balls added here was a helicopter and the Fire Service demonstrated how they would extricate a person who was trapped in a vehicle.  He noted that there were demonstrations in terms of the impact of the use of seat belts and noted that all of the visits and presentations had been very worthwhile.


The Chair thanked Mr D Balls for his feedback on the field study activities.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised Members that review activity on Children’s Residential Care Homes had completed its evidence gathering stage and were preparing its draft report.




That the verbal update be noted.