Agenda item

Police and Crime Panel

Verbal Update by Jonathan Slee, Overview and Scrutiny Officer.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer gave a verbal update report in respect of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP), noting the meeting on 6 June was a confirmation hearing for the new Chief Constable, Jo Farrell, the former Deputy Chief Constable.


He added that the next meeting of the PCP was the Annual General Meeting and would take place on 28 June, with items on the agenda including the Annual Report of the PCVC and quarterly performance report with the Committee to be updated at its next meeting.


Resolved: The Overview and Scrutiny Officer gave a verbal update report in respect of the Police and Crime Panel (PCP), noting the meeting on 6 June was a confirmation hearing for the new Chief Constable, Jo Farrell, the former Deputy Chief Constable.


He added that the next meeting of the PCP was the Annual General Meeting and would take place on 28 June, with items on the agenda including the Annual Report of the PCVC and quarterly performance report with the Committee to be updated at its next meeting.




That the verbal update be noted.



That the verbal update be noted.