Agenda item

Quarter 4 2018/19 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance Report


The Committee received a report from the Resources Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategic Group that provided an update on health, safety and wellbeing performance for quarter four of 2018/19 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Occupational Health and Safety Manager highlighted the key areas of the report including:


·        Enforcement Body Intervention & significant incidents

·        Fire Safety Audits

·        Fire Incidents

·        Fire Inspections

·        Occupational Health Service

·        Health and Safety Team Audit & Inspections

·        Open Water Safety

·        Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing

·        Potentially Violent Persons Register (PVPR)


The statistical information within the report showed a positive reduction in RIDDOR specific injury related accidents and that the overall figures for all accidents remained static.


Councillor Carr was pleased with the reduction in RIDDOR related accidents and that mental health was recognised for employees.


Further to a question from Councillor Temple about the PRVR register, the Occupational Health and Safety Manager explained that an individual was on the register for a period of 12 months and provided that there was no repeated behaviour they would be removed.  This was dealt with on a case by case basis.  The Litigation Manager, Resources advised that there was a mechanism in place for those individuals who wanted to appeal being placed on the register.


Councillor Clark was informed that with regards to the two year pilot for early intervention and improving musculoskeletal health and wellbeing to reduce sickness absence, there was another 6 months until completion after which anecdotal evidence would be shared.



That the report be noted.


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