The Committee considered a report of the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager which presented the Protecting the Public Purse Update Report for 2018/19 (for copy see file of Minutes).
The report provided an update on the following:
· The work of the Corporate Fraud Team.
· Action taken to raise awareness of the risk of fraud and corruption to assist in embedding a strong counter fraud culture throughout the organisation.
· Reported cases of potential fraud and irregularity reported during 2018/2019.
· Proactive Counter Fraud work completed.
· Progress on the Council’s participation in the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) 2018/2019
· Fraud Reporting
· Fraud Training
· Fraud Awards
The Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager informed the committee that the number of referrals over the past four years had resulted in £4.6 million in savings and was as a result of partnership working. This figure was currently standing at £5.1 million. He was also pleased to report that the Corporate Fraud Team had won an ‘Acknowledge’ award at the Fighting Fraud and Corruption Locally awards ceremony in March 2019 and were shortlisted for the IRRV Performance Awards.
The Chairman congratulated the staff from the Corporate Fraud Team who were very pro-active in the approach and had saved over £5 million.
Further to questions from Mr Rudd, the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager explained that the tenancy fraud type was to investigate if the right to buy had been applied incorrectly and to look at the issue of abandonment which would allow social housing to be kept in the system. He added that the team were not looking at unpaid rent as this was the responsibility of the housing provider.
That the contents of the report be noted.
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