Agenda item

Adults and Health Services Update


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Adults and Health Services which provided a summary of developments across Adult and Health Services (for copy see file of minutes).


Councillor Crute commented on the financial crisis in the South West (??) which exemplified what could go wrong with a combined budget. 

There had been recent discussions with regards to scrapping the green paper on social care and he suggested keeping a close eye on developing plans. 


The Corporate Director of Adults and Health Services confirmed that there was an element of uncertainty around the green paper and the NHS long-term plan which had been published in January had been criticised as a “missed opportunity” in relation to the government’s plans on the future of adult social care. 


The government had shifted the onus of adult care component to local authorities and there was a concern that providing the right level of care was having a financial impact.  Funding was complicated with regards to care packages and there had been a significant increase in the provision of complex care packages which came at a significantly higher cost.  She advised that 20-30 years ago people did not have the life expectancy as they did today and this was another fact which increased the need and complexity of adult social care.


A report would be presented to Cabinet in March looking at the principles on how to develop a model to be finalised in Autumn.


Members were reminded by the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer that there were CQC Local Health and Social Care System Reviews being undertaken and the Committee would respond following any outcome.  He advised that some work had been done by the Children and Young Peoples Overview and Scrutiny Committee in response to the JTAI, undertaken in July 2018 by Ofsted, the Care Quality Commission, HMICFRS and HMI Probation.




That the content of the report be noted and the Committee agreed to receive further updates in relation to Adult and Health Service developments on a six monthly basis.

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