Agenda item

Update from Investing in Children


Ellie Seed provided the following update from Investing in Children:


·       due to the increase in numbers of young people attending Children in Care Council meetings, sub-groups have been set-up to focus on specific areas such as independent living and surveys for children and young people in care;

·       at the last meeting the young people discussed the subject of supervised contact which is now known as ‘family time’. Whilst it is accepted that the presence of a third party is necessary, this can be inhibitive, especially when the young person is not familiar with the third party. The young people suggested that more fun activities should take place during family time.  They added that more openness about what is being written down during the sessions and a comments box for their views would make them feel more involved in the process;

·       improvements have been made to Personal Education Plan forms following feedback from the young people.  A new scheme is to be piloted in September, with a review scheduled for November;

·       Care Leavers’ Participation Groups are now being held regularly, at 3 pm, prior to Children in Care Council meetings.  At these sessions the young people can access advice on issues such as training, employment and CV writing.  One of the young people from the Children in Care Council, co-opted to the Corporate Parenting Panel, is now a member of the Care Leavers’ Participation Steering Group;

·       young people were involved in the recent interview and appointment process for Independent Reviewing Officers;

·       young people have worked with Independent Reviewing Officers on an animation to provide information to children and young people about entering the care system; 

·       the next meeting will be attended by the Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence and the Legal Services Manager for Children and Adults Services to talk to the young people about the courts and legal issues. Independent Reviewing Officers have also been invited to discuss review meetings;

·       fun and sports events are taking place during the summer including Sport England events.


Asked about whether examples of good practice are shared, Ellie Seed responded that Durham Children in Care Council often finds itself ahead of the game and good practice is shared, for example the ‘Drive’ project which has been implemented in other authorities.