Agenda item

Foster Care Update - Presentation by Strategic Manager


The Chair introduced Florence Coulter, Fostering Team Manager and three of Durham’s foster carers to the Panel. The foster carers provided information on their role.  The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence then delivered a presentation which outlined the progress of the fostering service against key priorities for 2019-20  (for copy of presentation see file of minutes).


In relation to permanence planning, the Chair asked for information on the 37 children in permanent placements who are awaiting a formal match.  The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence clarified that, in these particular cases, the young people have not reached a final decision as to whether or not they wish to remain in their placement on a permanent basis.  


Panel members referred to national media coverage on the number of young people aged 16 plus who are placed in unregulated supported accommodation.  The Strategic Manager for Looked After and Permanence informed the Panel that Durham has no young people in unregulated provision and that the type of accommodation made available to care leavers is informed by individual care plans, with some care leavers requiring bespoke packages. The Panel noted that isolation can be a major issue for care leavers, especially those without support from extended family.


The Chair then invited the foster carers to share their views on why people become foster carers. The following comments were made:


·       positive experiences of family members who are foster carers can encourage people to go ahead and become foster carers themselves; 

·       some who have raised children of their own decide to foster as they miss the fun and experiences of having children in their home;

·       there are those with no children of their own who feel that they have the time, patience and skills to give care to children and young people who cannot live in their own home.


Asked about the main challenges for foster carers and the support provided, the foster carers made the following comments:


·       the support provided by fostering agencies in the initial stages of fostering is vital –one of the foster carers reported being dissatisfied with an independent fostering agency.  They transferred to Durham having heard of its good reputation and they found the process a much more positive experience;

·       lack of information and myths around foster caring may be off-putting for prospective foster carers.


The Fostering Team Manager informed the Panel that there is a vacancy on the Fostering Panel and requested that any member interested in filling the vacancy should contact Councillor Brookes or Jayne Watson.


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