Agenda item

2018/2019 Final Outturn for the General Fund and Collection Fund


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which provided details of the final outturn for the General Fund and Collection Fund 2018/19 (for copy see file of minutes).


The Corporate Director of Resources reported that the gross budget was £1.4 billion and that the pressures in Children and Young People’s services continued to be a national problem.  He said that some local authorities were showing signs of financial stress.  He advised that the revenue budget was positive with a net cash limit underspend of £3.3 million plus an overachievement of core government grant and underspend of £7.8 million on all other budgets.  He assured members that the council were in a good position going forward but that challenges would be faced later in the year once the settlement agreement was known.


Referring to the underspend from Heads of Service, Councillor Shuttleworth commented that the terminology used for each was similar. 


Councillor Robinson referring to paragraphs 50 and 51 of the report about top slicing of the schools Dedicated Schools Grant for special educational needs (SEN), informed the committee that the School’s Forum had not supported this approach.  The Corporate Director of Resources confirmed that a number of discussions had taken place around the SEN budget as the pressures in schools continued and was not reflected in government funding.  He added that the council had a good working relationship with the School’s Forum.


In response to a question from Councillor Temple about schools converting to academies, the Corporate Director of Resources advised that there were still ongoing discussions about the schools wishing to transfer.


Councillor Carr congratulated the Corporate Director and his team for managing and balancing the budget and sustaining some reserves.



That the report be noted.

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