Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred Members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee (for copy see file of minutes).


The articles included a two-week festival celebrating Bishop Auckland’s rich and varied history, Friday 13 September to Saturday 28 September 2019.  She added that Forrest Park (Newton Aycliffe) Limited securing outline planning permission to develop a 55-hectare site for commercial and manufacturing use, 1.75 million square feet of business, industrial, ware house and trade units, a 60-bed hotel, public house and roadside restaurant and retail units next to the A1(M).  It was added that the Committee would receive an overview of strategic employment sites within the County at its meeting in January 2020 and Members would visit Forrest Park and other strategic sites in the county in May 2020.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer explained there had been an article referring to new stores opening in Durham City, namely TG Hughes, Odeon and Lidl.  She explained there was also mention of the new cinema, bowling alley, gin bar and various restaurants as well as M&Co moving into the former Marks and Spencer unit.  The Overview and Scrutiny Officer concluded by noting an article highlighting construction was underway on an office development set to support more than 400 jobs in Durham City, ‘One Milburngate’ offering Grade A offices within the city, set to be completed in 2021.




That the presentation be noted.