Agenda item

Barnard Castle - Parking & Waiting Restrictions Order 2019 - Report of Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding the introduction of proposed restrictions in four areas of Barnard Castle:


·        Bridge End/The Sills

·        Birch Road

·        Market Place

·        Bridgegate/The Bank


(for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the proposals had been designed to address issues of ongoing obstructive parking, visibility and safety issues, as well as introducing parking improvements in Barnard Castle. The Committee then received a presentation detailing the extent of the proposals (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that in terms of the objections for the Bridge End/Sills area, all of the residents lived in the riverside properties on the east side of The Sills where they parked their vehicles as a result of them having no off-street parking. The objections were then summarised to the Committee and detailed in the report.


The Strategic Traffic Manager acknowledged the points made by objectors regarding the displacement of vehicles and explained that the proposed traffic regulations would inevitably displace vehicles and come as an inconvenience. However, current parking of vehicles in the location was deemed as obstructive parking and caused issues to the productivity of the traffic signals and traffic flow around a nearby three-way signalised junction. The requirement for the extension to the double yellow lines outweighed the requirement for residents to park next to their properties as the proposals were in the interest of road safety and would assist with the improvement of traffic flow.


The Birch Road area had attracted one objection. Birch Road was a residential area within walking distance to the A67 market place, the high street and was in close proximity to St Mary’s Primary School.

The proposal was to introduce a ‘Limited Waiting’ parking bay Mon-Sat 9am-6pm, 30 minutes no return within 2hrs on the north side of Birch Road outside no.1 for one bay length of 6m. It was also proposed to remove a section of ‘School Keep Clear’ markings to represent the true reflection on the ground, on the north side of Birch Road from no.1 westerly for 13m. The objector was a resident of Birch Road and felt that the area should have permit parking for residents.

The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that the introduction of a limited waiting bay would provide a short stay parking space for local residents to use the facilities within the town and reduce long stay parking near to the school keep clear markings. The parking bay would also allow parents of the school children to have access to drop off their child, therefore reducing congestion at school drop off and pick up times. The area would not qualify under the County Councils Parking Policy.


The Market Place, Bridegate/The Bank areas would see the introduction of traffic regulations which were detailed in paragraphs nine and ten of the report, however, the proposals in neither area had resulted in any objections being received.


Councillor J Rowlandson, one of the local members explained that the restrictions for Birch Road were extremely important because older people living in the area found it extremely difficult to go about their daily lives and felt that the scheme had been well designed. One disabled gentleman had found it extremely difficult and the provision of a disabled parking bay in this area was pleasing to note.


In terms of The Sills area Councillor Rowlandson accepted that it would be inconvenient however, presently, vehicles parking south of the existing double yellow lines on the east side were blocking vehicle movements when vehicles due to queuing traffic, thus causing queues onto the nearby bridge which had a negative effect on the flow of traffic through the traffic signals.


Moved by Councillor J Turnbull, Seconded by Councillor S Dunn and



That the Committee agree to endorse the proposals and recommend to proceed with the implementation of the Barnard Castle Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2019, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.

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