Agenda item

Quarter One 2019/20 Performance Management Report


The Committee considered a report of the Director of Transformation and Partnerships which presented progress towards achieving the key outcomes of the council’s corporate performance framework for the Altogether Better for Children and Young People priority theme (for copy see file of Minutes).


Following a question from Councillor Bainbridge, the member was informed that data for kinship carers was being examined with the new Fostering and Adoption Team, with a view to including performance figures in future reports.


Councillor Crute referred to data in respect of free school meals and the percentage take up of 80%. The member asked where the budget for the 20% that was not taken up was re-allocated. The member was informed that the data formed part of a national return and was a ‘snapshot’ of school meals in one given day. Durham performed well nationally in terms of free school meal take-up.




a)   That the overall position and direction of travel in relation to quarter one performance, and the actions being taken to address areas of underperformance be noted;

b)   data in respect of kinship carers be explored with a view to inclusion in future reports;

c)    officers investigate if the remaining budget was re-allocated when free school meals were not taken up.



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