Agenda item



The minutes of the meeting held on 6 September 2019 were agreed as a correct record and signed by the Chair.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer referring Item No. 7 of the minutes introduced the Head of Engagement and Commissioning and Development Manager to give an update on the Ward 6, Bishop Auckland Hospital consultation.  She advised that further to an assurance visit from NHS England, only two of the proposed options were approved for consultation – the current model or the preferred option of a dedicated rehabilitation unit with a reduction of 8 beds.  Members were informed that the consultation would still commence on 7 October, and that a formal briefing paper on the options would be shared.  Dates of public events had been circulated to the committee which were due to start in November.


The Chair was advised that the preferred option would mean a reduction from 24 to 16 beds.

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