Agenda item

Shotley Bridge Community Hospital - Report of North Durham Clinical Commissioning Group


The Committee received a report from the Director of Transformation and Partnerships and North Durham Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) that presented the results of the stakeholder engagement activity undertaken in respect to services currently provided from Shotley Bridge Community Hospital (SBCH) (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Head of Engagement, Commissioning and Development Manager highlighted the independent analysis of public engagement in relation to service proposals for SBCH.  She explained that the feedback had been positive about staff who deliver the services, their attitude and quality of care received.  There were some issues around access, availability of appointments and the shorter waiting times.  The CCG were aware of access to transport and transport issues when considering the location of a potential site and the impact of moving services to acute sites.  The next steps were to carry out a consultation exercise early next year and to come back to this committee with a plan and narrative and to provide regular updates on progress.


Councillor Temple congratulated the CCG on the engagement process carried out and the attitudes of staff attending meetings had been a positive contribution.  He asked if the money had been secured depending upon business case approval, as there has been some confusion in the past about what was potential and secured.  The Head of Engagement, Commissioning and Development explained that there would be a rigorous process for the business case to be approved and that there was no difference to any other capital scheme.  She confirmed that the funding had been earmarked subject to the business case being approved.


Further to a question from Councillor Temple about the timing of the consultation, the Head of Engagement, Development and Commissioning explained that when the plans were initially drawn up the CCG were informed that funding was earmarked.  The position around capital funding changed and therefore the consultation exercise as being carried out in as timely manner as possible.  She added that the feedback given online was different to that from those attending the events and this would be a learning point as the CCG were looking to have video material available from the presentations held.  She advised that Jeremy Cundall, Medical Director and Consultant Surgeon, County Durham and Darlington NHS FT had given very clear rationale behind the proposals and that it would be helpful to share this online.


Councillor Temple was pleased to see that we were back on track and said that one of the views from the Shotley Bridge reference group was that we should be looking not just to replicate the services currently available but to develop where possible.

Another member of the reference group, Councillor Clarke commented that it was also important for the CCG to take on board the online feedback as well as giving clarity on the issues through the consultation process.  He urged the CCG to engage with all stakeholders throughout this next stage and to take on board comments received from the public.


Councillor Stephenson asked what the timeframe was for the business case approval.  The Head of Engagement, Development and Commissioning explained that the CCG have developed a pre-consultation business case which would go through internal governance processes, the consultation period would then be for 12 weeks and due diligence would follow to consider all of the feedback.  The approval process would be to prepare a full business case or an outlined business case first.  The CCG did not want to delay the progress but needed to adhere to the guidance.  They had an ongoing dialogue with NHS England and had a number of strategic checkpoints throughout the process to ensure the business case would be accepted.



(i)           That the report be received.

(ii)          That comments on the feedback of services currently provided be noted.

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