Agenda item

Media Relations


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer (CYP) referred members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Environment and Sustainable Communities Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


Street Works permit scheme aims to reduce disruption (DCC – 7 January 2020) related to a proposed permit scheme that could be introduced by Durham County Council’s Highway Team to reduce disruption caused by street works.  The permit scheme would manage the number and duration of works taking place on the County’s roads at any onetime to minimise disruption to support economic growth and reduce carbon emissions.


County Durham energy saving work shown off to Swedes (DCC – 13 January 2020) related to a Scandinavian delegation that had visited sites that were owned and managed by Durham County Council to learn about innovative software that was employed to reduce energy. The pioneering energy saving techniques monitored online usage of utilities like water, electricity and gas across its facilities to allow waste to be identified to save money in energy bills. 


National Award for a County Durham Cemetery (DCC – 16 January 2020) related to Durham County Council’s Castleside Cemetery being awarded silver in the National Cemetery of the Year ceremony for offering a beautiful place of rest that was safe and welcoming for those visiting their loved ones which complied with current legislation.


Climate Emergency: 2019 was the second hottest year on record (The Guardian – 17 January 2020) related to the year 2019 being the second hottest on record for the planets research that revealed the scale of the climate crisis that is bringing increasingly severe storms, floods, droughts and wildfires.

Councillor Maddison felt that taps in the bathrooms of Durham County Council’s Leisure Centre’s wasted water as they ran long after someone had finished using them.  She wondered if sensors could be fitted that would make them shut off quicker to save money and water.


Resolved: That the verbal report be noted.