Agenda item

Protecting the Public Purse - Update Activity Report as at 30 September 2019


The Committee considered a report of the Chief Internal Auditor and Corporate Fraud Manager that provided an update on the Council’s counter fraud activity as at 30 September 2019 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Fraud Officer reported that the work of the team continued to grow and develop a multi-agency approach to fraud investigations.  A recent staff survey had been undertaken to ascertain if they knew how to report potential fraud and fraud awareness was incorporated into the induction process for new employees.  He advised that the number of cases investigated from April to September 2019 was 322 with an outcome of £1.3 million.


Mr Robinson enquired if there were any emerging topics of fraud and was informed that school grants had been raised both regionally and nationally and a review would be undertaken shortly on procurement fraud.


In relation to the third party work carried out Mr Rudd asked how this was re-charged.  The Corporate Fraud Officer advised that this was broken down per hour, per day, per case and the money was re-invested back into the service and had recently appointed a financial investigator.  He would provide additional information in the next report giving the breakdown of County Council and partnerships income.


Councillor Temple referred to the 36 frauds detected on rights to buy and asked if we had any control over the prosecutions.  The Corporate Fraud Manager explained that they would present the evidence gathered to the partner and it was up to them whether they pursued a prosecution.  Some chose not to go down this route due to the court costs.


The Chair congratulated the team on an excellent years work especially as work had increased and people were now more aware that fraud would be investigated.



That the recommendations contained within the report be approved.

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