Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0339 - 6 - 10 North Terrace, Seaham

Change of Use from residential home to 5 no. commercial units on ground floor and 11 no. residential units and car parking to rear


Change of Use from Residential Home to 5 No. Commercial Units on Ground Floor and 11 No. Residential Units and Car Parking to Rear


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. 


Mr Welsh, Clerk to Seaham Town Council spoke against the application, stating that their objection related predominantly to parking. The Parish Council considered that 12 car parking spaces was inadequate as the development could have in excess of 40 residents. Coupled with the proposed 5 commercial units it was considered that there would be an overflow of vehicles into adjacent areas.


Mr McDonnell, the applicant’s agent advised that prior to submitting the application they had taken on board comments made and consulted with the Planning Officers to ensure that their application represented an acceptable form of development. The design of the shop frontages was supported by the Conservation Officer and Regeneration Officer and the floor space had been reduced to create car parking for 12 in a secure off-street parking area. Highways had also supported the proposals as they were consistent with neighbouring developments.


He considered that the development would contribute to the regeneration of Seaham, would attract jobs and enhance the appearance of the street, bringing a redundant building back into use.


A Glenwright advised that from a Highways point of view the level of parking proposed was acceptable. It was consistent with the parking required for other apartments in or on the edge of Seaham and in the town centre residential apartments had been accepted with no designated parking at all.


He added that visitors to the commercial element of the development would have access to town centre and on-street parking.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the Officer’s report and to the applicant entering into a S106 legal agreement.

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