Agenda item

Draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy

(a) Joint Report of Corporate Director of Adults and Health Services and Director of Public Heatlh

(b) Presentation by Partnerships Team Manager


The Committee considered a joint report of the Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services and the Director of Public Health which presented the draft Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy and a joint presentation from the Strategic Manager – Partnerships and the Partnerships Team Manager (for copies see file of minutes. 


The presentation included the vision of the Health and Wellbeing Board and detailed information on the three key strategic priorities. 


Members were advised that the draft strategy proposed three strategic priorities;

·        Starting Well – which focused on care in pregnancy, early years, childhood and adolescence and how these play a key part in health and wellbeing of adults

·        Living Well – which consisted of the economic and environmental factors which lead to good health in adulthood

·        Ageing Well – which focused on the number and quality of healthy years, independent lives and good quality end of life care


The Strategic Manager, Partnerships, confirmed that the draft strategy was open to consultation until 14 February 2020. The Overview and Scrutiny Officer in conjunction with the Chair, would respond on behalf of the Committee but and encouraged Members to send individual comments. 


Mrs J Norman queried whether the strategy was dependent on funding, and in particular whether the strategy would be affected if public health services suffered a predicted loss of £19m.  The Strategic Manager – Partnerships confirmed there was no indication with regards to funding yet, but there was a potential risk to delivering all key priorities with a reduced public health budget.


The Chair noted that the priorities which had been identified in the draft strategy covered the whole life course and gave Members the opportunity to comment.


In response to a comment from Councillor Jewell, the Strategic Manager – Partnerships agreed that in the past priorities had been more specific but had been broadened.


Mrs Norman suggested that it would be helpful for the info graphs to contain comparative information with regional and national figures to provide some context.




That the report and presentation be noted and a response to the consultation be provided on behalf of the Committee.

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