Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor S McDonnell to Move


That this Council establish an all-party working group to include Trading Standards, the Police and Fire Service, to devise and implement strategies to regulate the sale of fireworks and carry out effective enforcement for those who misuse fireworks within County Durham.


Councillor E Scott to Move


This Council notes with dismay the inevitable future loss of European funding for our County. It resolves to write to all recently elected MP’s in County Durham and ask that they:


     i.        ensure that County Durham is fairly and reasonably compensated for the loss; and


    ii.        are ambitious on our behalf and seek to promote significant investment and economic growth throughout the County.


The Chairman informed Council that the first motion on the Agenda had been withdrawn following discussions between the Cabinet Portfolio Holder and Councillor McDonnell.


In accordance with a Notice of Motion it was Moved by Councillor E Scott and Seconded by Councillor A Hopgood:


This Council notes with dismay the inevitable future loss of European funding for our County. It resolves to write to all recently elected MP’s in County Durham and ask that they:

i.        ensure that County Durham is fairly and reasonably compensated for the loss; and

ii.       are ambitious on our behalf and seek to promote significant investment and economic growth throughout the County.


Councillor C Marshall, Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration Moved the following amendment, Seconded by K Shaw:


This Council notes with dismay the inevitable future loss of European funding for our County.  It resolves to write to all recently elected MP’s in County Durham and ask that they:


(a)         ensure that County Durham is fairly and reasonably compensated for the loss; and


(b) are ambitious on our behalf and seek to promote significant investment and economic growth throughout the County;


(c) ensure that the UKSPF is allocated on a needs-basis and tangibly helps places to bridge the performance gap with other regions and national performance;


(d) ensure that County Durham does not receive less funding than under the current ESIF programme, that funding at least matches the £13 billion that the UK regions would have received under the next EU programme, and that UKSPF contributions are not offset by financial cuts or commitments elsewhere;


(e) ensure that County Durham has a status that is equivalent to an EU Transition region and receives a ring-fenced budget with delivery mechanisms that are appropriate to the County’s economic and organisational conditions and economic opportunities;


(f) ensure that the UKSPF is more flexible than ESIF arrangements, is tailored to local priorities, delivered with less bureaucracy, and designed to secure funding from other sources;


(g) ensure that the UKSPF is in place before the end of the current ESIF programme to ensure the long-term continuity of effective tailored programmes and projects in County Durham; and


(h) promote County Durham both inside and outside of Parliament as a pro-growth area with a clear ambition and commitment to deliver further economic growth.


Councillors E Scott and A Hopgood accepted the Amendment to the Motion and the Amendment then became the Substantive Motion.


Upon a vote being taken the Substantive Motion was carried.