Agenda item

7/2011/0281/DM - Shafto House, Shafto Way, Newton Aycliffe

Development of former Shafto House Aged Persons Home to provide 19 dwellings.


Development of former Shafto House Aged Persons Home to Provide 19 Dwellings


Consideration was given to the report submitted in relation to the above application, a copy of which had been circulated.


A Inch, Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation which included photographs of the site.


In presenting his report he advised that as with the previous application the following amendments were proposed to conditions numbered 9 and 11:-


9. ‘The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until such time as the existing access to the site has been improved in accordance with the approved drawings referred to in condition 2’.


11. ‘No removal of limbs of trees or other tree work shall be carried out unless approval has been sought and granted by the local planning authority.’  


A Glenwright, Highways Officer was asked to comment about the revised layout regarding access and car parking, and to respond to the concerns expressed by a resident of Greathead Close in relation to congestion.


He advised that the level of car parking provision within the scheme was deemed to be acceptable. The developers proposed 200% on-site provision which was 50% above current car parking standards for new developments.


In terms of congestion he anticipated that, including the additional 19 new properties, a total of 37 properties could utilise the access onto Shafto Way. Shafto Way was 5 metres wide and was therefore deemed to be acceptable in highway terms. To put this into context he explained that a road width of 4.8 metres was acceptable for up to 100 dwellings.  


The Chair also commented that prior to closure the Aged Persons Home may have contributed to congestion as there was only a small car park on site for use by both staff and visitors.


In response to a question, A Inch confirmed that the issues raised by the internal consultees had been discussed with the developers who had taken on board the comments made, and as a result an improved scheme had been secured, details of which were outlined in the report.


With regard to the suggestion by Environmental Health that a noise and dust assessment be submitted by the applicant to safeguard residents, E Adler advised that they had submitted a construction plan with the planning application to mitigate against the potential for nuisance. This plan included a restriction on working hours as requested by Environmental Health. Other measures included a road sweeper and water bowser which would be permanently based on site, and a ‘hotline’ for residents to use if they had any concerns.


He reiterated the comments of the Principal Planning Officer that the representations made by consultees had been addressed through ongoing discussions. In accordance with planning condition 4 a scheme to minimise energy consumption had been submitted which would achieve at least 10% energy from renewable sources. He added that the average cost of running one of their homes was very low.


A Member commented that this was a much needed development in Newton Aycliffe, particularly in view of the new employment opportunities that were being created in the town.


Following consideration of the application it was




That the application be approved subject to


(i)      the conditions outlined in the report, including the following amendments to  conditions numbered 9 and 11:-


9. ‘The development hereby approved shall not be occupied until such time as the existing access to the site has been improved in accordance with the approved drawings referred to in condition 2.’


11. ‘No removal of limbs of trees or other tree work shall be carried out unless approval has been sought and granted by the local planning authority.’         

(ii)     the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement in relation to the payment of a commuted sum to provide off-site recreation provision and/or off-site planting.




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