Agenda item

Annual Subject Report - Report of the Specialist Inspector for Religious Education and Citizenship


Isobel Short, Specialist Inspector for Religious Education and Citizenship presented the Annual Subject Report (for copy see file of minutes).


Isobel informed SACRE that inspectors have been asked to slightly change the way they monitor RE which also includes producing an annual report based on that academic year.


The annual report is based on visits to 12 schools. Isobel highlighted from the report the following questions that senior and subject leaders should reflect on:-

  • Is the current provision, entry policy and intervention for RE at Key Stage 4 enabling students to attain and make sufficient progress in line with their ability?
  • How can leaders ensure that the RE curriculum and planning enables students to be appropriately challenged in lessons?
  • How can schools give students opportunities to encounter members of faith communities and consider the impact of religion and beliefs on people today?


Isobel also highlighted the strengths and areas for development around RE.


Previously visits have been over a 2 year cycle with 16 schools per year, however this will change. It is unclear which schools will now be monitored, whether inspectors will visit schools to look at good practice or visit weaker schools.


Isobel will keep members informed and provide an update to the next SACRE meeting.


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