Agenda item

Lanchester and Langley Park - Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2019 - Report of Interim Director of Regeneration and Local Services


The Committee considered a report of the Interim Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding a proposal to introduce waiting restriction in five areas of Lanchester (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that several requests had been received over a period of time. A meeting was arranged with representatives from Durham County Council, Durham Constabulary, local councillors and residents who identified road safety issues in several locations throughout Lanchester:


·        Peth Bank

·        Newbiggin Lane / Front Street

·        Kitswell Road

·        Front Street

·        Manor Grange


The areas identified were subject to obstructive parking, visibility and safety issues. An initial consultation exercise resulted in seven objections being received.


In relation to Peth Bank, the Strategic Traffic Manager explained that obstructive parking was taking place on two junctions, whereby people were parking directly on top of the junction. The problem was being compounded by a vets practice which attracted lots of vehicles to the area concerned. White ‘Keep Clear’ markings were in place but had limited impact and were advisory in nature. The proposal was to introduce double yellow lines on either side of the junction. Their suggested position was superimposed to a street view of the area and shown to the Committee. The Committee were informed that there had been three objections received from residents who lived in properties on nearby Deneside. They stated that they found parking near their properties difficult and that the proposed restrictions would mean that they could not easily park near to their home. The objectors had stated there was no obstructive parking and that the introduction of parking restrictions would displace vehicles and move issues further into Deneside. One resident suggested parking permit scheme should be introduced, however, the area would not meet the criteria for such a scheme to be introduced in the area.


The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that people should not be parking on the junction in the manner experienced, which impeded visability for motorists and was a road safety concern and were of sufficient justification to introduce the proposal presented for the area.


In Newbiggin Lane, obstructions had been reported during peak school times with school buses having trouble manoeuvring through Front Street. Road safety concerns had been identified by Highways officers and the traffic order would amend existing restrictions in the location by way of the introduction of a ‘no loading’ aspect to the existing restrictions on the North side of the junction from Newbiggen Lane onto Front street for 53m, from a point adjacent to Lanchester Community Centre, up to number 2 Croft View. One objection had been received relating to the proposal from a local business owner who felt that the restrictions in place were sufficient but believed an increase in enforcement was required to solve parking issues. The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that the concerns of the resident was noted and civil parking enforcement had been explained. However it was now felt necessary to address the identified highway safety issues by formal means.


The Strategic Traffic Manager summarised the proposals for the Front Street, Kitswell Road and Manor Grange areas of Lanchester. No objections had been received for the areas detailed and all the proposals were supported by Durham Constabulary.


The Committee then heard from Councillor O Johnson, one of the local County Councillors for Lanchester. Councillor Johnson explained that both he and Councillor J Considine had worked with highways officers from the County Council and attended a number of site visits. All of the issues highlighted to the Committee by way of the presentation by the Strategic Traffic Manager had been identified by local residents. There was real difficulty to pass parked cars and it was extremely dangerout trying to access and egress onto the A691 which was a very busy road.


Councillor Johnson explained that Peth Bank had a vets business on one side of the road and a church on the other. The two corners on either side were parked solidly with cars. The problems were exacerbated when any weddings, funerals, christenings were held at the church, indeed the road had become blocked through the sheer amount of traffic on occasions.


At this point, Councillor J Considine left the meeting and took no part in the decision making process.


Councillor J Turnbull explained that he knew the area very well , fully supported and moved the recommendation. Councillor K Hopper Seconded the recommendation.



That the Committee agree in principle to endorse the proposal to proceed with the implementation of the Lanchester and Langley Park Waiting and Parking Restrictions Order, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.

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