The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding two proposals for parking and waiting restrictions at Chilton (for copy of report and presentation see file of Minutes).
The first proposal related to Durham Road, Chilton whereby a request had been received from residents and the local County Councillor to introduce formal restrictions to address issues obstructive parking, improve visibility and safety issues. There had been no objections and three residents were in favour of the proposals.
The second set of proposals were more controversial related to Chilton Industrial Estate (Chilton Way & Avenue One), where a request had been received from Durham County Council’s Business Engagement Team Manager on behalf of local business owners to address obstructive parking and improve access, visibility and safety for Heavy Goods Vehicles and road users within the industrial estate. There had been 15 objections (all from Care Connect who were Durham County Council employees whose place of workplace was situated on Chilton Way near to Durham County Council Depot and car park. There were 12 responses in favour of the proposals.
The Strategic Traffic Manger explained that the proposed protection markings for the junctions had been proposed due to issues with articulated lorries having difficulties manoeuvring in the area. Highways officers had worked with the local County Councillors to draw up the proposals. All of the objections had come from workers occupying one building, some of which parked on the carriageway. The building had an l-shaped car park with adequate spaces to park and the general feeling was that workers would be better of parking in the car park which was far safer and secure than parking on the carriageway.
The Strategic Traffic Manager summarised the objections which tended to be along similar themes. Those objecting suggested that there was not enough secure parking and that HGV’s caused the problem by waiting at the location. However, the Strategic Traffic Manager explained that it was an industrial estate whereby guaranteed safe access was required for large vehicles and if the problems were not addressed there would be the potential to jeopardise the future of the site. Officers had spoken to the manager of the Council depot and it was felt that parking was adequate and that there were enough spaces.
On balance, it was considered that parking was taking place in the wrong location and needed to be moved elsewhere, hence the proposal put forward.
Councillor K Hopper explained that it was extremely difficult for lorries to access and egress the site and negotiate their way around parked vehicles, which should not be the case. Councillor K Hopper Moved the recommendation detailed in the report.
Councillor J Turnbull asked if there was any possibility to look at staff parking for Care Connect staff who worked on a shift basis. Councillor Turnbull expressed concern that shift workers may feel particularly vulnerable during the night. The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that it was a five-minute walk to the area from the County Council depot. Any safety concerns would need to be passed onto the depot manager.
Councillor J Turnbull Seconded the recommendation detailed in the report.
That the Committee agree in principle to endorse the proposal to proceed with the implementation of the Chilton Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.
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