Agenda item

Quarter 3 2019/20 Health, Safety and Wellbeing Performance Report


The Committee received a report from the Resources Health, Safety and Wellbeing Strategic Group which provided an update on health, safety and wellbeing performance for quarter 3 of 2019/2020 (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Occupational Health and Safety Manager highlighted the key areas of the report including:


·        Quarter 2 incidents in numbers

·        Fire Safety Audits

·        Fire Incidents

·        Occupational Health Service

·        Training and Awareness Activity

·        Open Water Safety

·        Employee Mental Health and Wellbeing

·        Violence and Aggression

·        Corporate Risks

·        Statistical Information


Mr Rudd referred to activities in respect of open water safety and noted that the number of homeless people in the City and around the riverside had increased. He asked if their safety was included in the work being carried out. The Occupational Health and Safety Manager confirmed that this was the case and the safety of homeless people was included in multi-agency work being undertaken in the City to tackle homelessness and anti-social behaviour.




That the report be noted.  



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