Agenda item

Media Issues


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer referred members to the recent prominent articles and news stories relating to the remit of the Adults, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


‘Coronavirus: Health Chiefs issue advice as guidance on disease continues to change’ (Sunderland Echo – 30 January 2020) related to the continued changes in advice offered by Health Chiefs in relation to the Coronavirus.  This related to the Health Protection Assurance report on the agenda and to be presented by the Director of Public Health.


‘Paramedic recruitment targets to be hit’ (Northern Echo – 27 January 2020) related to ambulance chiefs being on track to exceed their targets for new paramedic recruits for the year.  The move came as part of plans to have 38 extra ambulances, but 20 fewer rapid response cars and 9 fewer intermediate-tier vehicles.  This related to the NEAS Audit of National Ambulance Response Standards report on the agenda and would be presented by the Associate Director for Marketing and Communications.


‘Ward 6 and stroke unit at Bishop Auckland Hospital saved’ (Northern Echo – 31 January 2020) related to health officials withdrawing proposals to close two hospital wards due to unprecedented demand for inpatient beds.  This item would be presented by the Head of Integrated Commissioning, DCC/Durham CCGs.


Future of Shotley Bridge Hospital remains uncertain, as plans to move it to Consett steelworks emerge’ (Evening Chronicle – 11 February 2020) related to NHS chiefs

reviewing the future of Shotley Bridge Hospital with the option of services being moved to the former site of Consett’s steelworks.  This related to item would be presented by the Head of Integrated Commissioning, DCC/Durham CCGs.


Councillor Temple wanted to know what the role of the Adult, Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee was in relation to the Coronavirus.


Councillor Robinson explained that the Director of Public Health would provide an update on the coronavirus from the County Councils perspective within agenda item 7.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer noted that an update would be given in agenda item 7 on the Health Protection Assurance Report 2018/19 followed by an update from the Director of Public Health on Coronavirus as this fell under the remit of Health Protection Issues.  He added that the same concerns had been raised at the recent Health and Wellbeing Board and this meeting was an opportunity to gain a response from the Director of Public Health.

He noted that the committee would periodically review the situation as developments arose with verbal updates from the Public of Health at future meetings.




That the verbal presentation be noted.