The Committee considered a report of the Interim Corporate Director of Regeneration and Local Services regarding the proposed introduction of parking and waiting restrictions at Wingate and Quarrington Hill (for copy of report and presentation see file of Minutes).
The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that restrictions were being proposed for three areas, following a mixture of representations from local County Councillors, residents and business owners.
The areas were as follows:
Durham Road, North Road and Haswell Road, Wingate
The proposal for Durham Road, North Road and Haswell Road at Wingate would see the introduction of a ‘no waiting and no loading at any time’ (double yellow line markings on the highway with kerb ticks on the kerb line to indicate no waiting and no loading at any time).
The proposed restrictions were being introduced to address visibility, safety issues and obstructive parking on the sections of highway near a Cooperative Food Store. The proposed restrictions would also improve access. There has been one objection and eight responses in favour of the proposals.
The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the sole objector had raised important points regarding speed and vehicle movements. However, these were matters that would be addressed by other agencies, including the Police. It was also noted that the objections did not relate to the proposal detailed in the report. Information from the objector regarding the illegal manoeuvre of vehicles entering off the A181 bypass had been sent to the Council’s Traffic Assets team for investigation.
The Committee heard from Councillor J Higgins, the local Councillor for Wingate. Councillor Higgins thanked officers for their work on the proposed scheme. Councillor Higgins explained that that there had been a substantial number of accidents on the mini roundabout near the Cooperative Food Store, however, these had been minor in nature and were not reflected in accident statistics. Councillor Higgins explained that people found it more convenient to park on both sides of the road, next to the entrance of the Coop. Vehicles had also been parked next to the mini roundabout, yet the Coop had adequate parking for 18 vehicles, including parking provision for blue badge holders and parent/child bays. Two businesses in the area, including the Coop had not objected to the proposals. Councillor Higgins explained that the sole objection did not affect the proposals. Councillor Higgins was fully supportive of the proposals, as were Wingate Parish Council. It was felt that the proposals would make the area safer and cause less vehicular obstructions.
Councillor J Turnbull supported the proposals presented, providing that the Council would adequately enforce any illegal parking. In response, the Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that targeted enforcement would take place where any such problems were being identified, for examples, schools were targeted vigorously.
Moor Lane, Wingate
The proposal would see the introduction of a ‘restricted waiting and loading Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm’ (single yellow line markings on the highway with kerb ticks on the kerb line to indicate restricted waiting and loading within the times stated). The proposals had been devised to address obstructive parking, improve visibility and safety issues around the school.
The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that some restrictions were already in place at the location concerned, however, there was a gap. There had been one objection, with six residents and the Junior School in favour of the proposals. The objector was a local resident who felt there was limited parking and that school staff park in a manner that reduces access for homeowners. The objector also felt that there was a need for an area to park for children to be dropped off, shopping and access. The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that it was his view that there was enough parking the in immediate area and felt as though the proposals were warranted.
Councillor J Higgins explained that Moor Lane was a very narrow street where parents picked up and dropped off children attending Wingate Junior School. Staff gates were being blocked by parked vehicles and there was no room for vehicles to manoeuvre. Councillor Higgins explained that the safety of school children was paramount importance and the proposals were fully supported by the Headteacher. Councillor Higgins also commented that pupils had also initiated their own petition which was presented in Parliament by the former Member of Parliament for the area.
Quarrington Hill
The proposals would see the introduction of a ‘no waiting at any time’ (double yellow line markings on the highway to indicate no waiting at any time). The purpose of the waiting restrictions would address issues of obstructive parking. The proposals would also improve visibility and safety issues around the crossroads connecting Front Street (B6291) and Church Street (C22) in the centre of Quarrington Hill. The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that the crossroads was a busy area which had some advisory ‘Keep Clear’ markings on the corner of the junction. However, the issues were being caused by cars parking on the junction which caused problems. The proposed restrictions would protect the junction and assist with in/out movements. There had been five objections. One resident was in favour of the proposals.
The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that a slightly revised proposal had been included in the presentation, following further representations from local residents. The revision would see the reduction of the double-yellow line to stop at the garage door of 1A Front Street. The Committee were informed that the occupants of the property were elderly, with ongoing health issues. Both residents had blue badges and parked one car behind the garage door and one car on-street. The Strategic Traffic Manager explained that the scheme could be adjusted to shorten the restriction, which would mean that vehicle would be confronted with a parked vehicle earlier around the corner, however, there would still be a restriction in place. For those reasons the Strategic Traffic Manager explained that this could be relaxed slightly and the length of the double-yellow line reduced.
The Committee heard from Councillor S Dunn, one of the local Councillors for the area. Councillor Dunn explained that the local councillors had requested the proposals because of ongoing safety issues caused by vehicular parking on all sides of the crossroads in Quarrington Hill. The road from Kelloe was very steep and had two grit bins on the stretch of road concerned. Councillor Dunn explained that residents from the new housing estate located on the junction could park behind Church Street. There was ‘Keep Clear’ markings around the corner of the Half Moon and No’s 1 and 1A Front Street, however, local residents were causing issues by parking on the advisory markings, hence the need for double yellow line restrictions in the area. Local Councillors and officers had specifically looked at proposals which would alleviate the crossroads of obstructions. The area was used by buses and heavy goods vehicles. The restrictions outside No. 1A, abutted their garage door, however, the area was open to the rear and deemed it unnecessary to withdraw the proposal to site a double-yellow line up to and past no. 13. The proposals would make the area much safer and Councillor Dunn felt that currently, it was an accident waiting to happen. Other residents strongly supported the proposal, along with Coxhoe Parish Council. Councillor Dunn asked that the original proposals contained in the report be supported and asked that the revised proposal, explained the revised presentation be rejected.
Councillor K Thompson felt that both local members had spoke very well in relation to the proposals in their respective Divisions, which also had support from the relevant Parish Council’s and seconded the proposals.
That the Committee endorse the proposals and recommend the implementation of the Wheatley Hill, Wingate, Quarrington Hill and Deaf Hill Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order 2020, with the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.
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