The Panel considered a report of the Acting Police, Crime and Victims’ Commissioner which provided an update on performance against the Police and Victims’ Plan 2018-21 (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Chair referred to road safety and informed the meeting that the County Council was currently consulting on updating its Road Safety Strategy and encouraged all Members to participate in the consultation. A link to the consultation would be sent to all Members following the meeting.
Mr Dodwell asked whether casualty figures for the A1(M) could be segregated from those figures for the rest of County Durham and Darlington. The Acting PCVC replied that while the figures could be segregated, the A1(M) and dual carriageways were the safest roads in the County. Investment had been made for three extra road safety camera vans and the introduction of average speed cameras on the trunk road network was being considered.
Councillor Dulston referred to anti-social behaviour which was on the increase with the focus moving away from dealing with low-level anti-social behaviour, which still had an impact on communities. The Acting PCVC replied that he held the Chief Constable to account regarding anti-social behaviour and added that the force’s ability to tackle low-level anti-social behaviour was better than many other places. Neighbourhood Policing Teams were being maintained at their current levels and the force was up to full numbers of PCSOs. The Acting PCVC was closely monitoring the response of the force to anti-social behaviour.
That the report be noted.
The Acting PCVC left the meeting
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