Agenda item

National Picture - Standards Update


The Committee considered a report of the Head of Legal and Democratic Services and Monitoring Officer on the national picture on standards issues affecting local government (for copy see file of minutes).


The Monitoring Officer referred to the informal meeting of the Standards Committee held on 21st July 2020, at which members were consulted on the Local Government Association’s draft model member code of conduct.  The Committee was updated that the publication of the draft model code is imminent, and, upon publication, the draft model code will be presented to the Standards Committee to consider its adoption by the Council, with a view to aligning this with the annual review of the constitution in March 2021.


Councillor J Atkinson referred to social media complaints and asked if any trends had been identified, relating to specific members, which may indicate additional training requirements. The Monitoring Officer responded that she was not aware of any particular trends relating to individual members and she added that the toolkit aims to provide members with advice on how to manage their social media accounts, and, to ensure members are adequately trained and supported to make the best use social media, in a way in which it is safe to do so.  Concerns are followed-up, and, where complaints involve informal resolution, or, a formal hearing, and, social media is a factor, it is likely that social media training would be delivered to the individual and this would include IT training to ensure no inadvertent misuse of social media is taking place.




That the report be noted and officers monitor the progress of the matters referred to and keep the Committee updated.

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