Agenda item

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Claire Morris, Strategic Manager for Children Looked After Resources shared a good news story resulting from the pandemic. One of the young people in care with an ambition to become a footballer used lockdown to his advantage to practise his footballing skills at every available opportunity.  The residential home staff spent many hours, over the weeks, helping the young person to develop his skills.  As a result of this, he successfully gained a place on a local football team and his team won their first match 7-0.  To everyone’s delight, the young person was selected as man of the match.  The Strategic Manager added that seeing how proud this young person was of what he had achieved demonstrates how important and rewarding the work can be.


In response to a request from Councillor Considine, the Panel placed on record their thanks and well wishes to Florence Coulter, former Fostering and Adoption Team Leader, on her recent retirement and wished her well for the future.