Agenda item

COViD-19 Risk Register


The Committee received a report from the Corporate Director of Resources, that provided an update in relation to COViD-19 Risk Register (for copy see file of Minutes).


The Corporate Director of Resources explained the report was to provide assurance in terms of the process of COViD-19 risk management and he noted a number of governance groups had been set up by the Council to deal with the response.  He added that the Risk Team worked with the groups to establish a baseline of COViD-19 risks and noted, while work had started at the beginning of the pandemic, work continued and would do so through into the recovery phase over the coming weeks and months.


The Committee noted that due to the nature of the issue, risks could evolve quickly, and the Corporate Director of Resources explained that the risk register contained within the report was at a point in time and set out the risks at the time the report was compiled.  He added the risks would be reviewed and aligned to the strategic risk register with the COViD-19 risk register being very much a live document.  He explained that the appendices provided a breakdown of the risks together with a heat map.


Further to a question from Mr C Robinson relating to remediation action plans and at what point there would be acceptance of risks, the Corporate Director noted that COVID-19 risks were  changed regularly, some were remediated although others were more difficult to control as Central Government led on some of the issues.  He added if the Council had direct control over an issue they would look to mitigate and risks and they would be regularly reviewed by the governance groups that had been set up.  He added it was a fast-paced environment, and new legislation and guidance would help and that risks would change as we moved through the phases of the pandemic into recovery.


Councillor O Temple asked as regards any early indication from Government in respect of Council Tax Benefit and Business Rates.  The Corporate Director of Resources noted that those areas had potential for a significant  impact upon the Council bit noted that  the business rate collection was tracking as it had done last year, a result of Government relief for the retail and hospitality sectors for which the council received section 31 grant reimbursement.  He added he had concern that the position could worsen once the furlough scheme ends. 


The Corporate Director of Resources noted that Council Tax collection was tracking around 0.7 percent below last year and could worsen, with this  having an indicative potential impact on the collection fund of between £4 million to £6 million, though he highlighted there were a lot of variables and uncertainties which made accurate forecasting difficult.



That the report be noted.


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