Agenda item

Inspection of SEND Services - Report of Corporate Director of Children and Young People's Services


The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Children and Young People’s Services which informed Cabinet of progress across County Durham with SEND services, highlighted in the Ofsted and Care Quality Commission (CQC) SEND re-visit in January 2020 and the publication of their letter in March 2020.  The report also notified Cabinet of key current issues and proposed next steps following publication of the SEND re-visit outcome letter (for copy see file of minutes).


Cabinet noted the inspection undertaken in December 2017 highlighted four key areas for further improvement.  It was acknowledged that since the initial inspection, a lot of work had been done and Cabinet thanked all those involved in the work.  The Cabinet also noted the significant progress made with SEND services which Cabinet will further support, working closely with CCGs.




That the report be noted.


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