Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme 2020/21 for the Adults Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee


The Committee received a report of the Corporate Director of Resources that provided the Adults Wellbeing and Health Overview and Scrutiny Committeewith a suggested work programme for 2020/21.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer outlined the proposed work programme for 2020/21 and the different elements that would be covered within scrutiny role.  He noted that it had the essential flexibility to respond to items that may arise from the Covid 19 pandemic. 


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer invited members of the committee to agree the work programme for the coming year.  He highlighted several key areas of work that under the current circumstances would be delivered through formal virtual meetings via teams and by emailing reports to members for comment.


Councillor Temple praised the work programme but felt that the social care sector had been left out and should be included for investigation.  He admitted that he had never raised social care sector as an issue or proposed the notion to talk to social care providers.  He felt that the committee should be on the front foot to address concerns in this setting as he was concerned that occupancy had decreased from 87% to 77%.


The Corporate Director of Adult and Health Services informed the committee that there was a review ongoing nationally into the social care sector.  She agreed that the committee considered the broadest context of social care and the review would look at the impact into the fullest context.


The Chair emphasised that there were a lot of care workers that cared for people in their own homes that would need to be included.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer was happy to incorporate the social care sector into the work programme as recommended by Councillor Temple.  He proposed that a dedicated session should focus on the social care sector as a wider approach. 


Councillor Tucker agreed to the proposal as she informed the committee that she had groups in her local area that provided care in County Durham and queried who the best person would be to take these on.


Councillor Crute asked Councillor Tucker if she could provide details of the groups so they could be included.


Councillor Tucker agreed to forward the information on to the Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer for inclusion.


Councillor Bell also approved the recommendation but felt that it was a broad field and would require focus.  He deemed that if the government was already reviewing the sector it may be pointless scrutinising the system that was already going to change.  He added that the committee had scrutinised the health service but it had taken months for change to be implemented. He considered that the approach would need to be flexible when looking into care homes and the social sector setting.


The Principal Overview and Scrutiny Officer agreed to incorporate the social care sector into the work programme with the required flexibility.


The Chair wished the NHS a happy 72nd birthday and longed it to continue.




(i) That that the report and proposed work programme for the Committee be agreed.


(ii) That  flexibility be offered to emerging issues within the work programme for 2020/21 as attached at appendix 2 including an item covering Adults Social Care sector.


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