Agenda item

Update on the County Durham Plan:

(i)         Joint Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Corporate Director of          Regeneration and Economic Development.


(ii)        Presentation by Mike Allum, Strategic Planning Team Leader and Rick           Long, Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team), Regeneration and         Economic Development.


The Chair introduced Rick Long, Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team), Regeneration and Economic Development who was in attendance to update Members regarding the County Durham Plan (CDP) (for copy of presentation, see file of minutes).


The Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) explained that since the series of workshops held in July, responses from the consultation in the summer had been collated and fed into the development of the CDP.  Members noted that further events had been held in October and evidence was continuing to be gathered as well as reference to emerging national policies.  The Officer explained that the policy direction was to look to the needs for employment land, new housing and retail floor space for the next 20 years and then see how this would be spread across the town and villages in the County, across existing and new strategic sites.


Members learned that Durham City was an important driver, though was not the sole area for consideration, and Councillors were given information in relation to: Aykley Heads, Sniperley Park, Newton Grange, Sherburn Road as well as the potential Western and Northern Relief Roads. 


The Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) explained that in relation to housing sites, 8 or 9 had been considered at “stage 1”, with this having been reduced down to 3 at “stage 2”.  Members noted that now “stage 3” would look at whether all 3 sites were required and how the phasing of provision could be progressed.  The overall “Preferred Options” stage would look at the amount of development need in each town and the most appropriate combination of sites.


The Committee were reminded of changing national policies with the National Planning Policy Framework being streamlined, the Infrastructure Planning Commission changing to the Major Infrastructure Planning Unit prior to the announcement of such infrastructure projects and also the Localism Bill, to be enacted within the next few days.  The Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) explained that while Regional Spatial Strategies (RSSs) were abolished by Localism, Local Planning Authorities would have the responsibility regarding targets for housing and employment land. 


Members were reminded that there would be a duty for neighbouring Local Authorities to cooperate and there would be the introduction of Neighbourhood Planning. 


The Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) concluded by noting that the next steps were to await the outcome of the Localism Act, to continue to develop evidence, producing a Local Plan with site allocations and polices with Preferred Options around September 2012.


The Chair thanked the Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) for the presentation and asked the Committee if they had any questions for the Officer.


Councillors noted issues relating to options of alternative sites beyond those mentioned, the impact of the reduction of the feed-in tariff and whether there would be any potential detriment for the Council should the CDP not be in place and National Policies are changed.  The Principal Planning Officer (Strategic Team) explained that other potential sites could always be addressed should a Developer submit plans and they would be considered against existing plans and saved policies and once completed the CDP itself.  The Officer added that the reduction in the feed-in tariff would have an affect, though the CDP did look to the long-term, over the next 20 years to get the correct mix of wind, solar and other renewable energy sources.  The Committee noted that the Council were awaiting the National Planning Policy Framework information from Government in April 2012 and would then have the opportunity to fine tune a response at the Preferred Option stage.


Issues relating to the involvement of Town and Parish Councils were raised, with Members being reminded of the ongoing work relating to the Community Governance Review for Crook and Durham City and that should Town and Parish Councils wish to express their views they should submit via their Association to the Cabinet.




(i)         That the report and presentation be agreed and that the comments      made by the Members of the Economy and Enterprise Overview and     Scrutiny Committee be noted by the Officers.


(ii)        That the Economy and Enterprise Overview and Scrutiny Committee   receive a further update in relation to the progress of the County         Durham Plan at the meeting on the 29 March 2012.


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