Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0305 Hallfield Farm, Easington

Erection of a Single Wind Turbine


Erection of a Single Wind Turbine


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


He advised that since the report had been prepared, advice had been received from the Legal Officer suggesting minor amendments to the wording of conditions numbered 4, 8, 9 and 10 and to the omission of condition 6.


In addition a further letter had been received from Easington Village Parish Council which reiterated their previous concerns as detailed in the Committee report. The letter also referred to an application for a wind turbine in respect of land north of Pesspool Lane which had been refused because of the cumulative impact of the wind turbine when viewed alongside operating turbines in the surrounding area. Due to the extent of the wind turbine development in the surrounding area the Parish Council considered that the proposed development would contribute to a significant and unacceptable visual impact on the locality.


Councillor D Boyes, Local Member considered that the proposal would affect the Conservation Areas of both Hawthorn and Easington Villages as the wind turbine would be clearly visible in both locations. The proposal would also constitute development in the countryside which was contrary to saved Easington District Local Plan policies.


He referred Members to a map which showed the number and location of turbines across the region and advised that a report produced by ANEC had concluded that the East Durham Plateau was now at capacity. The cumulative impact of wind turbines was having a real impact on the quality of life of local residents.


Mr J Ridgeon the applicant’s agent stated that the ANEC report specifically related to wind farms and this application was for a single wind turbine to support the applicant’s expanding business. An assessment of the landscape and visual impact had concluded that the area could accommodate a single wind turbine, and the Conservation Officer had stated that the scale and siting of the turbine would have no adverse impact on the setting of nearby listed buildings or Conservation Areas.


Mr Weightman, the applicant addressed the Committee and provided Members with a background to his local family business, details of which were set out in his statement in the report. He explained that in the last few years fuel prices had risen steeply and the wind turbine would help reduce energy costs, be sustainable and would also offset the carbon footprint of his business.  The turbine would be sited as far as possible from all his neighbours to mitigate any visual impact.


Members discussed the application and the Principal Planning Officer responded to comments made. He advised that the majority of the power would be used by the farm business with the surplus electricity fed into the National Grid. A screening scheme would be difficult to implement and was not considered necessary because of the distance the wind turbine would be located from neighbouring properties.


Members were also advised that the saved District of Easington’s Local Plan policies that related to development in the countryside were not specific to renewable energy proposals and the Planning Authority relied on National Planning Policy PPS 22.




That the application be approved as detailed in the report, subject to the following:-


(i)                 condition numbered 6 be omitted;

(ii)               delegated authority be granted to the Principal Planning Officer in consultation with the Legal Officer to make minor amendments to  the wording of conditions numbered 4,8,9 and 10.




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