Agenda item

PL/5/2011/0378 Beaconside, Station Road South, Murton

Retrospective planning permission for the change of use of Beaconside Farm from mixed use residential/equestrian and agriculture to mixed use residential/equestrian and agriculture and for the parking of up to three 4 seater taxis and two 8 seater taxis used by occupants of Beaconside Farm. Retention of diesel tank for refuelling of occupants of Beaconside Farm’s personal vehicles and the 5 taxis proposed to be parked at Beaconside Farm.


Retrospective Planning Permission for the Change of use of Beaconside Farm from Mixed Use Residential/Equestrian and Agriculture to Mixed Use Residential/Equestrian and Agriculture and for the Parking of up to Three 4 Seater taxis and Two 8 Seater Taxis used by Occupants of Beaconside Farm.  Retention of Diesel Tank for Refuelling of Occupants of Beaconside Farm’s personal vehicles and the 5 taxis proposed to be Parked at Beaconside Farm.


Consideration was given to the report of the Principal Planning Officer (Easington Area) which recommended approval of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer gave a detailed presentation on the main issues outlined in the report, which included photographs of the site. Members had visited the site that day and were familiar with the location and setting.


In presenting his report, the Principal Planning Officer advised that on the site visit Members had expressed concern about the close proximity of the bridleway to the children’s play area. Signage to protect users of the bridleway had been proposed but it was suggested that if Members were minded to approve the application, further traffic calming measures be included and condition numbered 4 be amended accordingly.


Mr Button, an objector addressed the Committee on behalf of local residents. 


He advised that residents were concerned about the increase in vehicle movements and speed of traffic on the estate. Larger vehicles had difficulty manoeuvring in and out of the property and bridleway, and residents were  concerned for the safety of children playing both on the estate and in the play area.


The movements of the taxis and tankers in and out of the estate, together with the environmental impact of the vehicles were having an adverse effect upon their residential amenity. The character of their housing estate was changing from residential to industrial and the access road was not adequate for commercial vehicles.


Mr Moss, the applicant’s agent explained that negotiations had taken place since the last application and he considered that this re-submitted application now represented a pragmatic solution to the issues, without having a detrimental effect on the applicant’s business.


As there were 9 members of the family occupying the property a number of vehicles travelling to and from the premises was to be expected. The business did not operate from Beaconside Farm but from a property in Woods Terrace, and the application only sought to allow parking and refuelling of their own vehicles.


A Glenwright, Highways Officer was asked to respond to the highways issues raised. The 33 existing properties on Broadoaks were served by a carriageway which was 4.8 metres wide, and could accommodate up to 100 properties. The existing traffic calming controlled speeds on the estate but together with signage, proposals for additional measures on the bridleway adjacent to the children’s play area were deemed to be acceptable.


With regard to the suggestion for a speed limit to be imposed on the whole estate he advised that DCC had no policy for introducing 20mph speed limit zones within residential estates and that such a proposal would normally only be investigated following complaints from members of the public, and currently none had been received by the Area 1 Traffic Manager.


In determining the application Members expressed their concerns about the safety of children using the play area adjacent to the bridleway but acknowledged that this could be mitigated with signage and additional traffic calming measures.


Members also took into account that the business did not operate from the property and that taxis would only travel to and from Beaconside Farm at the start and end of a shift.




That the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report and to condition numbered 4 being amended to include additional traffic calming measures on the bridleway adjacent to the play area. 


 At this point Councillor K Thompson left the meeting.

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