The Cabinet considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth which proposed a Selective Licensing scheme for homes which are privately rented, in some parts of County Durham (for copy see file of minutes).
Councillor O Temple, County Councillor for Consett North, declared an interest in the report, being an owner of a property which is let, and, acknowledged the improvements in the scheme as a result of the consultation.
In pointing out the difference between the Office for National Statistics latest estimate of the private rented sector in Durham (19.5%), and, Durham County Council’s estimate used in the report (28.4%), Councillor Temple asked that, as the council has chosen to use its own algorithm, rather than the Office for National Statistics methodology, whether it was risking rejection of the scheme on the grounds of unreliability of the figures used.
Councillor K Shaw, Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing and Assets thanked Councillor Temple for the question. He responded that the council will be putting forward a robust and confident estimate of the private rented sector in County Durham and a modelling process was used which the council believes is current and informed for County Durham, placing the private rented sector above the 19.46% national estimate. Councillor Shaw provided assurance that there is continuous dialogue with the Ministry of Housing and Communities and that the methodology used was in line with other successful submissions.
In recommending the report for approval, Councillor Shaw explained the scheme aims to drive up housing standards within the increasingly significant private rented sector in the county, and thereby improve communities. Following consultation, further changes were made to the policy to take into account issues raised by landlords and residents. It is hoped that the scale of the scheme to be submitted, with over 42% of the private rented sector covered, will lead to a considerable improvement for communities.
Councillor C Marshall, Portfolio Holder for Economic Regeneration, thanked all those who had participated in the consultation and the team responsible for preparing the comprehensive report. Councillor Marshall highlighted that the Selective Licensing Scheme supports the council’s long-term vision and responds to concerns raised across the county. Councillor Hovvels confirmed that the scheme had been discussed by the Safe Durham Partnership, who welcomed the proposal.
That the recommendations in the report be approved.
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