Agenda item

Refresh of the Work Programme 2020/2021 - Report of Corporate Director of Resources


The Committee considered the report of the Corporate Director of Resources that provided Members with an updated work programme for 2020/21 (for copy of report, see file of minutes).


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer was in attendance to present the report and indicated that the work programme was designed to be flexible to accommodate items that may arise during the life of the work programme but it also provided an opportunity for the committee to respond to any further issues resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.


In responding to the requirements of virtual meetings the Chair and Vice Chair felt that it was important that the proposed work programme was prioritised, identifying items to be considered at formal committee and items to be considered via briefing note. The committee would continue to receive quarterly budget and performance information.


The Chair thanked the Officer for the report and indicated that it was difficult to fit everything into the work programme that they wanted this year and that the programme was fluid.


Councillor Dunn referred to the ongoing activity with climate change which hadn’t been adversely affected which he was pleased to hear. He noted that it was not proposed to have a full discussion on climate change until March 2021 and asked if it would be possible to consider including a climate response report to the next meeting of the committee in addition to the March meeting.


The Chair advised Councillor Dunn that officers had indicated that a briefing document would be circulated but it was not possible for the item to be brought forward to the November meeting. However, the item may be able to be brought forward to the January 2021 meeting. Although climate change was a priority COVID-19 remained a priority too and it was difficult to relax the COVID process until we know it was behind us.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer advised that we do not know how many meetings the committee would have between January to April but we were working with officers to see if we could get the item brought forward to a sooner meeting and the climate change emergency response and carbon management plan were both highlighted as priorities.


Mr T Bolton referred to fuel poverty and asked if that information could also include reference to the governments recently announced green energy scheme.


The Chair responded that it was important that they had the latest information from government and would ask officers if they could include this information in their report.


The Overview and Scrutiny Officer responded that they had spoken to the Housing Regeneration Project Manager and asked him to include this information in his report.


Resolved: That the work programme for 2020/21 be agreed.

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