Agenda item

Motions on Notice

Councillor M Wilkes


This Council recognises the hard work and efforts of town and parish councils across County Durham, and also recognises the disparities between services in parished and unparished areas and between parished areas.


Recognising these disparities and the concerns across the County over Double Taxation this council agrees to bring forward a report with a view to identifying how much rebate could be returned to town and parish councils across County Durham.


This will include considering all services offered by the Council in unparished areas as well as looking at services offered by town and parish councils.


Councillor Andrea Patterson


I call upon this Council to:


·        Write to the Secretary of State and ask him to honour his pledge to reimburse Councils in full for financial losses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic;


·        Join UNISON to campaign for a decent and fair settlement for local government in the forthcoming Spending Review;


·        Sign up to the UNISON campaign Back the #10BillionBailout for local services (; and


·        Thank all of Durham County Council Staff for their heroic efforts in recent months.


In accordance with a Motion on Notice it was:


Moved by Councillor M Wilkes, Seconded by Councillor G Huntington that:


This Council recognises the hard work and efforts of town and parish councils across County Durham, and also recognises the disparities between services in parished and unparished areas and between parished areas.  Recognising these disparities and the concerns across the County over Double Taxation this council agrees to bring forward a report with a view to identifying how much rebate could be returned to town and parish councils across County Durham.  This will include considering all services offered by the Council in unparished areas as well as looking at services offered by town and parish councils.


Upon a vote being taken the Motion was lost.


Moved by Councillor A Patterson, Seconded by Councillor R Crute that:


This Council:

· Write to the Secretary of State and ask him to honour his pledge to reimburse Councils in full for financial losses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic;

· Join UNISON to campaign for a decent and fair settlement for local government in the forthcoming Spending Review;

· Sign up to the UNISON campaign Back the #10BillionBailout for local services ( cale=en-GB); and

· Thank all of Durham County Council Staff for their heroic efforts in recent months.


Councillor R Bell Moved an amendment, Seconded by Councillor T Henderson as follows:


This Council:

· Write to the Secretary of State and ask him to honour his pledge to reimburse Councils in full for financial losses as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic;

· Join UNISON to campaign for a decent and fair settlement for local government in the forthcoming Spending Review;

· Sign up to the UNISON campaign Back the #10BillionBailout for local services ( cale=en-GB); and

· Thank all of Durham County Council Staff for their heroic efforts in recent months


Upon a vote being taken the Amendment was Lost.


Upon a further vote being taken the Motion was carried.