The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Regeneration, Economy and Growth regarding proposals to introduce parking and waiting restrictions in five location of the Durham City South West area (for copy see file of Minutes).
The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that several requests had been received from local residents, Durham Constabulary, and representatives of Durham County Council to address ongoing obstructive parking, visibility and safety issues in Durham City South West, as follows:
The proposal for Chevallier Court would see the introduction of a ‘permit holders only Mon-Sat 8am-6pm’ restriction to control parking by operating a permit scheme.
Residential off-road parking associated with the properties was limited in the area and a permit would help to manage this. The proposal followed an occupancy survey which was undertaken as a result of complaints received from residents.
There was one objection received from a local resident and 19 letters of support.
Durham Viaduct
The proposal for Durham Viaduct would see the introduction of a permanent TRO to replace the experimental ‘permit holders only 8am-6pm’ restriction currently in place. The experimental order had received no objections within the allocated 6-month timescale.
The Strategic Traffic Manager informed the Committee that the land was owned by Network Rail and Durham County Council paid a fee to use the land. However, within the agreement parking charges could not be imposed by Durham County Council. The area had previously been unrestricted, with vehicles parking for days/weeks at a time and therefore the experimental order was introduced to restrict parking.
The City of Durham Parish Council supported the proposals however, they had indicated their preference to revise the restriction times of 9am to 5pm Monday to Saturday.
Councillor Ormerod, local Member advised that whilst he had initially supported the request by the City of Durham Parish Council for the reduction in restricted hours, he acknowledged that there had been no objections received during the experimental order period from residents and therefore was happy to support the proposals as contained in the report.
A177, The Drive Mount Oswald and Howland’s Access Road
The proposal for The Drive Mount Oslwald and Howland’s Access Road was to see the introduction of a permanent TRO to replace a temporary ‘no waiting at any time’ restriction which was currently in place at this location. It was also proposed that the restrictions be extended into The Drive Mount Oswald due to further displacement of commuter vehicles.
The proposal followed requests to introduce formal restrictions to reduce obstructive parking on the highway, footways and verges and to improve access for vehicles.
The order would therefore limit construction vehicles parking on the verges and footpath on the A177 and furthermore, helped control the manner of parking vehicles on the access road to Howland’s park and ride, which had previously caused access issues for the buses.
No objections had been received.
Faraday Court, Clay Lane, A167, Dalton Crescent, Westhouse Avenue and Palatine View (Summerville)
The proposal for above locations would see the introduction of ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions (double yellow lines) on sections of these residential areas as a result of requests from local residents’ concerned with obstructive parking, access and visibility issues.
No objections had been received.
Councillor R Ormerod Moved the recommendation as detailed in the report.
Councillor J Shuttleworth Seconded the recommendation as detailed in the report.
That the Committee endorse the proposal in principle to proceed with the implementation of the Durham City South West: Parking and Waiting Restrictions Order. With the final decision to be made by the Corporate Director under delegated powers.
Supporting documents: