Agenda item

Annual Governance Statement for the year April 2019 to March 2020


The Committee considered a report of the Corporate Director of Resources which sought approval of the Annual Governance Statement (AGS) for 2019/20.


C Robinson referred to actions that were carried forward from previous years and asked whether they would be completed in 20/21.  The Corporate Risk & Governance Manager advised that although some of the targets were ongoing, they were monitored regularly and would be picked up in January 2021 when the corporate governance review began.  The actions were determined by the services themselves and although some long term issues were carried forward it did not mean they were not being progressed.  He agreed to update the Committee early in 2021.


I Rudd complemented the report as changes to the draft report had been highlighted and he suggested that all future reports be formatted in this way.




That the report be approved.

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